Wednesday, November 10, 2010

day seven

Day Seven- Your best friend

Oh boy. This has been a question that has alluded me for years. Since I was very young actually. Who is my best friend? I can't put my finger on one person. This must either be because: 1. I've never had one, or 2. I've had many.

For sake of my sanity, I'm going with option B. I've had loads of people enter and (sadly) sometimes exit my life that I have shared great experiences with. Right now I'm at a point of change in my life, sort of missing a best friend. Anyone wanna apply?

All my friends back in Wisconsin are still my friends, and I miss the hell out of them. All my roommates, my teammates, and even Bridgman hall. It's not that our ride is over in any sense, it's that right now the powers that be arent allowing us to be close. If you feel like I've been a terrible friend because I havent come and visit yet, I'm very sorry about that. It's never that I don't want to be there, but things in life do come up unexpectedly and we have to work with what we have. I'm working on it, really am.

Wisconsin, I'll be home after Christmas, I promise. Right now I'm on a train, missing my friends, but still excited for whatever is coming for me before the year ends. I know you'll be there for me. And just know I'm always here for you. One phone call to be exact.

1 comment:

stephiepointer said...

Bridgman Hall thanks you for the shot out and it misses you too!